Sunday, January 25, 2009

In an Effort to Sleep at Night...

...I've kind of stopped paying attention to the news.

And it worked like magic. The nightmares stopped! Hurrah!

HOWEVER you can't go anywhere or do anything or even log onto the internet without hearing the word "bailout."

It's unnerving.

That's why I thoroughly enjoyed reading this letter over at Amy's Humble Musings (one of my daily reads, by the way, and one that I think would be worth anyone's time). Her husband is ticked off and I'm glad SOMEONE is trying to do SOMETHING about all of this madness.

Here's a snippet:

I’ve read now that Merrill Lynch took $10 billion in TARP money, and paid $15 billion out in bonuses. I cannot even begin to express in writing the rage boiling within me at this iniquitous arrogance. It is nice to know that the Federal taxes I have paid and will pay into the system over my whole lifetime will not even begin to cover the bonus check for just one of these executives. I’m very glad to know that taxes taken from my 60 hour work week checks will help some executive pay for his nice mansion I could never afford, expensive car I’ll never drive, fancy dinners at restaurants I could never see the inside of, and very comfortable retirement that I will not have since I’ll have to work until the day I die.
Please tell me what you will do to hold these crooks accountable for these reprehensible deeds done at taxpayer expense and what you will do to prevent future abuses.

If I were you, I would just read the whole thing.

Go Amy's husband!

Boo bailouts!


Erin said...

I think I liked it better when they didn't know where the money went...

The Large Irishman said...

Yes...bailouts are disgusting, wasteful, and ultimately pointless. But, those executives then pay an exhorbitant tax on that bonus, which goes back to the government and (if the current administrations plans succeed) will be redistributed to those who don't work 60 hour weeks and don't pay taxes at all. So yes the hardworking folks get the short end no matter what...but I'm not sure that its the executives who we should be angry with. Its kind of like getting mad at the addict and forgetting the drug dealer. Perhaps we should just be mad at them both though (-:
At least the muffins looked good Chrstine.


Christine said...

Sam, I totally agree. I almost wrote another post about that, but then I thought, who reads this blog anyway? (Besides Erin.) Apparently you! We bailed them out, that was a bad idea, but it's even a worse idea that we should get a say in how they spend the money. Talk about the death of capitalism.

So, still boo bailouts, but not totally behind the letter anymore. But I am totally behind the website it came from. She's the closest thing I can find to your mother online. :)