Monday, October 5, 2009

Micah's getting his Boom Boom on

Micah gets his happy face and his tendency toward being dramatic from me.

He gets his big, "chocolate almond milk brown eyes" (his words), his love for finding out how things work, and his interest in all things gun-related from his daddy.

But Micah is his own person, and some things he gets from neither of us. Like, apparently, his taste in music.

We were on our way to the zoo the other day, and Black Eyed Peas' new song, "Boom Boom Pow" came on one of the radio stations I frequent. Micah, who was busy talking to his friends in the back seat, paused and then requested, "Turn it louder!" Curious to see what would happen, I did, and watched as he intently listened to the music, sort of in awe of it. Since Black Eyed Peas aren't really my thing, I gave him several seconds and then thought I'd change it. As soon as I did, he became a bit distraught. "Turn it back!" he begged. I humored him, mainly because it was humoring me, and watched as he quietly listened and bopped his head to the beat. I endured the next two minutes or so, and when it was over, was surprised to see Micah start tearing up. "I want da boom boom song!" he whined. "Turn it to da boom boom song?" I tried to explain that I couldn't control the songs that came on the radio, but to no avail. Micah (and his friends) begged for the "Boom Boom song" all the way to the zoo. And what do you know, they almost had the title right!

HOURS later, I loaded the kids back into the suburban to go home and sleep, assuming the "Boom Boom" song was long forgotten as I had completely forgotten it myself. But as soon as I turned on the car, the requests began from the back seat. For the next twenty minutes, I listened to my son and his friend beg me to turn on da boom boom song. Who knew my kid had a thing for rap?
For those of you who don't know this "Boom Boom" song, here's a youtube link*:

Watching the video of this song brought a smile to my face, as it was obvious that these people KNOW they're cool. They just don't know that they're cool in my precious little boy's eyes, which is too bad, because I think that's pretty significant (and very amusing)!

*DISCLAIMER: Not to state the obvious, but if you watch this video, beware that Fergie does not adorn herself in the modest apparel that becomes women professing godliness. But I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello Again!

Well, this summer has been crazy busy. My schedule has picked up quite a lot, and because of that, my blog has been inactive. But six months is too long to go undocumented, what with a two year old who is turning into a little man more and more every day. I'm going to do my best to record these unforgettable days!

I think I'll start with a little preview of what will be happening in our house beginning October 5th. On October 5th, Micah turns 2 1/2 years old. (I know, it's been SIX MONTHS since my last blog entry! Micah's aunties are none too happy!) His doctor told me not to think of potty-training him until he was 2 1/2, so friends, I have not thought much about it at all. However, we have had a few practice sessions on the "big boy potty," and, though fruitless (no number 1, no number 2), it has been fun to watch Micah turn into a big boy and enjoy the freedoms that come with that.

This is how I left him:

And minutes later, this is where I found him:

He figured out his way around the bathroom on his "porta-potty", and apparently decided now was as good a time as ever to explore the undescovered wonders of the bathroom.

This child makes me smile. Let's just hope I'm still smiling when we start potty training!