Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello Again!

Well, this summer has been crazy busy. My schedule has picked up quite a lot, and because of that, my blog has been inactive. But six months is too long to go undocumented, what with a two year old who is turning into a little man more and more every day. I'm going to do my best to record these unforgettable days!

I think I'll start with a little preview of what will be happening in our house beginning October 5th. On October 5th, Micah turns 2 1/2 years old. (I know, it's been SIX MONTHS since my last blog entry! Micah's aunties are none too happy!) His doctor told me not to think of potty-training him until he was 2 1/2, so friends, I have not thought much about it at all. However, we have had a few practice sessions on the "big boy potty," and, though fruitless (no number 1, no number 2), it has been fun to watch Micah turn into a big boy and enjoy the freedoms that come with that.

This is how I left him:

And minutes later, this is where I found him:

He figured out his way around the bathroom on his "porta-potty", and apparently decided now was as good a time as ever to explore the undescovered wonders of the bathroom.

This child makes me smile. Let's just hope I'm still smiling when we start potty training!


Erin said...

I love it! What a clever little man :-)

Megan said...

This makes me so happy! I miss you guys so much! He looks so big in that potty... is he training in earnest yet or just getting used to the idea?

smithec said...

Ha ha ha I laughed out loud when I saw the last picture! I can just see him scooting across the floor with that thing, knowing that he wasn't supposed to get off of it! ADORABLE!

This is the stuff I've been missing for the past 6 months! THANK YOU! :)

Kayla said...

haha that is soo funny! I love him :)