Sunday, December 14, 2008


This morning Colin had a migraine (some of you are doing a double-take, right? It was his first.), and so I was quickly getting ready for church, trying to keep Micah quiet. However, Micah was more interested in, "Daddy? Daddy?" So I handed him my socks and said, "Micah, could you go put these in the hamper?" Really, I was grasping for straws here. I wanted Colin to get some sleep, and so I decided to take a leap of faith in an effort to get Micah out of the room for a few more seconds.

Micah helps me with the laundry several times a week, but we don't often speak the word "hamper" out loud; however, sometimes he surprises me. I do often ask him to throw things away, so naturally, he scurried off to the trash can to throw my socks away.

"No, Micah," I said. "The hamper. In the bathroom."

I saw the light go on in his head, and thought what a smart child is my son. He scurried down the hallway to the bathroom. Suddenly it hit me. I got up as fast as I could and I was running down the hallway, but not before I heard the dreaded sound. I was able to save one sock. And you probably caught on way before me that the other one was flushed down the toilet.

My excuse is that I only got two hours of sleep last night, thanks to the fact that two of my favorite people in the whole world were in need of me. I am just not on top of my game!

Since we have a septic tank, I guess it's time to call my landlord. Sigh.

(Thankfully, Colin is feeling much better now!)

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