Saturday, May 22, 2010

This is why I stopped blogging

Tonight I was GOING to finish the ironing, catch up on one of my shows, call my sister-in-law in San Antonio and read in bed. But FIRST, thought I, let me upload all of my pictures so that they are ready for posting, having now re-committed myself to blogging. I did this, and then decided I should at least schedule another post, to help ensure this new commitment will actually be successful. So I did. THEN I thought I'd dapple in a few more bloggy things, and pretty soon I decided I needed the CUTEST BLOG ON THE BLOCK, otherwise known as a hot bliggity blog, or a cutesy wutesy, scrapbooky looking blog. (I'm pretty sure it's the closest I'll ever come to scrapbooking.) So I visited some sites. I searched through some backgrounds. And some more backgrounds. AND SOME MORE!!!

A few hours later, I desperately found one that WORKED. Because my mind is a frazzled mess. It seems to me there's just too many layouts and too little time! Unfortunately I erased the picture of the horizen that I used to display as my title photo before I thought to save it on my computer, so there's no turning back now.

I'm hoping the more I blog, the easier it will become. For now, it's sort of a learning curve that takes time. And effort. And leaves me looking cross-eyed at my computer screen.

Cutest blog in the world, here I come! (Just not tonight.)


Megan said...

Oh my dear sister! I know what you mean, there are so many darn cute things to do with a blog, it's overwhelming! Don't give up, though, please!

Erin said...

Urgh. I know the feeling!